Collection: The BIG Picture Book

The idea behind this series is to inspire a visual provocation nudging our curiosity enough that we, grownups, willingly climb over those daunting fortress walls we have spent years building to protect ourselves from the world's stabs and jabs and take a look at, maybe even enter into, what's on the other side. As we stand on the top of these walls, our eyes are free to scan the whimsical images and read the mystical thoughts presented in this work. Our troubles begin to fade. Our spirits become unwrapped. Now we can jump into ever ready merriment allowing its peppermint balm to soothe our weary bones. In this way, with sweet relief, we are returned back to ourselves...The long lost children we began as.

A very wise old priest was once asked what he had observed after a lifetime of hearing confessions. This was his response response. 

"Most people are more unhappy than they let on on and there is no such thing as a grown up."